Services Offered

Fleet Marine Cable Solutions inc. (FMCSI), is geared to provide a wide range of technical, engineering, fabrication, and management services. The objective of the company is to provide reliable top-quality services catering to the clients’ specific needs and requirements.


Survey, demand forecast (investigation) Engineering Design & survey Acquisition Services Constructions of Aerial & Underground cable Civil Works Testing & Commissioning


Fiber and copper cable installation, splicing and Termination Direct Buried and Aerial Construction Cable Ship – CS Vega


Engineering services Planning, scheduling and control

The successful growth of FMCS has been achieved through the quality of work and emergency services provided. FMCSI’ services in the Submarine fiber optic cable are: Receive and transfer of fiber optic cables form cable ship and installation into the beach manhole. Burial of fiber optic cable at beach, surf zone and shallow water. Burial by excavation, water jets and airlifts. FMCS was developed a burial jet that can bury cable with the articulated pipes to a depth of at least 3 meters. Recovery and relocation of fiber optic cables in the beach, surf zones and shallow water. Installation of Fiber Optic cable protection such as articulated pipes, ULO bags, mortar bagging, concrete casement, cable burial by water jets or airlifts and trenchers. Manufacture and installation of cast iron articulated pipes Supply of divers with underwater equipment. Supply of crew for cable repair vessels including splicers, welders do operators, marine surveyors, ROV pilots and cable handlers. Supply logistical and maintenance support for cable ships. FMCS can coordinate charter of barges, tugboat and DP class 1 vessels. Design and construction/fabrication of cable tanks, cable cribs, cable roller. Overhaul and preventive maintenance of cable laying equipment.

Address List


Fleet Marine Cable Solutions Inc.